Storm has been involved in haunted attractions in Southern New England since 2002, starting as an actor and taking on other duties including scene design, actor management, set construction, voice work, and marketing. In addition to the Bog Scary Show Storm is currently a freelance haunted attraction / event consultant.
Storm has been part of the following productions;
SpookyWorld, Foxboro MA 2002 & 2003 seasons
Evilville, Carver MA 2004 season
Highland Farm’s Trails To Terror, Wakefield RI 2005 through 2015 season
Storm began working for Podcasts in the haunted attraction industry in 2009, and together with the other (g)Hosts created the Big Scary Show in 2012, producing the episodic segment Haunt Minute, interviews and co-host duties.
Storm has a Bachelors in Marketing from Johnson & Wales University and works in accounting for a 142 year old construction firm in Providence, RI. He also enjoys working with other haunts sharing experience and ideas or just general problem solving within the Haunted Attraction Community.