Big Scary Show – Episode 167 – Haunt Season/Scare

Episode 167

Haunt Season has finally begun!  Many haunts around the country are opening this weekend.  Badger chats with Tony Clarke of Cedar Fair, about new changes to Halloweekends as well as the return of Midnight Syndicate with a brand new show, Conspiracy of Shadows.  if you have not seen them perform live before, GO!  they out on an amazing show.

Our Roundtable of Terror is about a new DVD release, Scare: A look behind the Shadows, with filmmaker Don Patterson, as he chronicles Kelly Collins’ ScareAtorium, and shows you what it’s like at a heavily actor driven haunt.

Badger is back with Deadline News, Storm rants about reverse psychology, Meathook Jim talks about appreciating the show your local haunts put on, and Jerry spins the trio of spooky tunes.

we hid the body, but you will become and accomplice, just by listening to….


Featured Music:

Halloween – Her Ghost Comes Out to Play

Here Come the Mummies – Creepin’

Eerie Von – Nightmare