Episode 234
It’s only a few short weeks away, Transworld’s Halloween and Attractions Trade Show, and we have your survival guide as we sit down at the Roundtable of Terror with Jeremy Dalessandro, Daron Thomas, Brian Foreman and Maximus Bryant to talk about the show, how to get most out of the show, where to find more food options, and how survive standing days on end on a poured concrete floor.
Badger brings us the latest Deadline News, Storm rants, in a Haunt Minute, Meathook Jim goes to Jamaica in Between the Corpses, Jerry Vayne spins us the spooky tunes. Rumor also has it that Vysther is back with the Haunted Vista.
We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice, just by listening to…….
Featured Music:
Coffin Caddies – Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Music for Haunting – Storming Vampire Castle
Sam Haynes – Shadows