Episode 322
It’s been a busy summer for the Big Scary Show, but Fall is just around the corner. In fact, this could be the last show before spooky season begins. But before it starts, we still have a lot to do. Badger has been on the road covering as many shows and events that he can. He recently traveled to Knoxville, TN for CreepyCon 2024 and brings us back a mess of cool interviews with an emphasis on Eastern Tennessee haunts. If you’re going to be passing through Tennessee in October, there are some great haunts to visit.
Storm is ranting about abandoned coffee in a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim discusses the Nuremberg Trials in Between the Corpses. Badger reads the latest in Deadline News, and The Old Crone talks about things to do in October when you’re not haunting. We might have a brand-new winner of the Gruesome Giveaway for August. And finally, we’re spinning some spooky tunes to get you in the haunting mood.
The Roundtable of Terror invites our old friend Scott Swenson of Scott Swenson Creative Development to have a seat to talk about all the things haunt consulting. We chat about all the projects Scott is working on, the importance of haunt consulting, and how they can help any and all haunts. It’s a fun and interesting conversation you don’t want to miss, All this, and so much more.
We hid the body, but you’ll become an accomplice just by listening to……..the BIG SCARY SHOW, Episode 322.
Featured music: (Chris Thomas: Music for Haunts [get well soon[) A Lonely Hell
Creepy Town
Church of Torment
The Descent
www.bigscaryshow.com and on all streaming platforms.
#bigscaryshow #roundtableofterror