Big Scary Show – Episode 81 – MHC

Episode 81

Its time for MHC! the show is being posted as most of us descend upon Columbus.  So give a listen on your way in or on your way home

the Roundtable of Terror is another great one with Midnight Syndicate. Talk about the live show, Legacy of Shadows, the upcoming Christmas themed album, and possible future live shows. Always great to chat with Ed and Gavin

Storm interviews about Dare to Scare and Vysther talks home haunting…in an apartment??

Badger has the latest Deadline News, Storm rants about costuming and fashion sense, while the Unknown Scare-Actor goes to West Virginia for the latest “Legends and Lore”, and the Haunt Rocker does his usual….nothing…except spin the best in spooky tunes

We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice, just by listening to…


Featured Music:

Blackwoods – Midnight Syndicate

Born of the Night – Midnight Syndicate

Requiem – Midnight Syndicate