Episode 134
Can you believe this? an episode with Storm as the the Voice of the Show, as he covers Scare-A-Con in New England. He brings us a ton of interviews, including Dark Discussions, Eternally Thirsty, Haunted Halloween Havoc, MadZ, East Coast Haunt Club, MA. Ghostbusters, Make up Curio, Monster Mash Haunt, NE Paranormal Society, Scream sister, Sinister Sisters, Vampire Freaks and Haunted Graveyard ( ok, I have carpal tunnel from typing so much now).
Gremlins attacked our Roundtable of Terror recording, so we dug a classic MHC RoT to re-air.
Badger is here with Deadline News, Storm rants about Gremlins, and Meathook Jim talks about subtle scares, while Vysther brings you Convention Etiquette tips and Jerry Vayne brings you a trio of spooky tunes.
We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice, just by listening to…
Featured Music:
13 Pagan Holiday 13 – Long Shadows Fall on Halloween
Bad Jack Productions – Sanctuary of the Damned
First Jason – Witch Camp