Episode 202
As the Chill of January has it’s icy clutches on us, we look forward to February, and the bloody hearts of Valentine’s Day.
And who better to celebrate Valentine’s Day with, than Vampires! The 4 (g) hosts offer up chairs at the Roundtable of Terror to Alexis Ayrie Jones of the Tyler Area Vampire Ball, Ellie Oldfield with the Valentine’d Vampire Ball in Kittaning, PA., John Brannaka of the band Graven Image is putting on the Heavy Metal Slamboree in Bath, NY, and Rebeca Rose of the Lincoln, NE Vampire’s Ball
Badge brings us the latest Deadline News, Storm rants, in a Haunt Minute, Meathook Jim discusses his favorite subject, Fear, and Vysther brings us a tribute to the late Neil Peart. The Haunstrumentalist, Jerry Vayne rounds out the show with a trio of Spooky Tunes.
We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice, just by listening to……..
Featured Music:
Psychocharger – Channel 13 w/Unkle Pigors of Toxic Tunes