Big Scary Show – Episode 298 – LET THE HAUNT SEASON BEGIN!

Episode 298
Finally…After months of patiently waiting, it’s here. Haunt season 2023 is kicking off with haunted attractions opening all over the country. The Big Scary Show is practically giddy with anticipation at the thought of crisp, cool fall nights, the smell of bonfires, and going to visit some of our favorite haunted attractions. What are some of YOUR favorites?

Storm is ranting about weird candy in a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim discusses navy discipline in another installment of Between the Corpses. Badger reads the latest in Deadline news, and the Old Crone talks about the trouble with tweens. We might have a Gruesome Giveaway winner for September, and we’re spinning you some rockin’ tunes to celebrate the opening of haunt season.  As an added feature, Dick Terhune is back with the Marketing Morgue!

The Roundtable of Terror discusses haunted houses that put on special events that allow those who normally wouldn’t visit a haunt a chance to do so. We bring in several haunt owners to discuss their ADA compliant, non-sensory, and kid-friendly nights. There’s a lot of heartwarming stories that we’re sure you’ll enjoy hearing about. All this, and so much more.

We hid the body, but you’ll become an accomplice just by listening to……..the BIG SCARY SHOW. (And please support your local haunts)

Featured music:
13 Pagan Holiday 13 – She’s Dead                                                                                            Black Cat Attack – Sunday Sacrifice                                                                                    Vegas Rhythm Kings – Crazy Cadavers                                                                                  Jet Noir – Let Us Prey

#bigscaryshow #roundtableofterror