Big Scary Show – Episode 319 – FORREST J ACKERMAN!

Episode 319
Welcome to July. We’re only 3 months away from October and hopefully cooler weather will be here soon (Ha!). As temperatures continue to heat up, please stay safe and hydrated while working on your builds. Take a break, get into the AC, and let the Big Scary Show, Episode 319 inform and entertain while we all suffer through this miserable heat.

Storm is ranting about Tractor Supply and how they have won Halloween in a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim discusses the Gulag in Between the Corpses. Badger reads the latest in Deadline news and brings you an interview with Matt from the Nashville Horror Con happening July 20-21st. The Old Crone discusses staying safe during build season. We have a new Gruesome Giveaway from July, and finally, we’re spinning some spooky tunes to chill your blood and remind you that haunt season begins in about 10 weeks.(insert scream here)

The Roundtable of Terror discusses a true Hollywood legend who left his mark on not only the horror industry, but the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres as well. We’re talking about the one and only Forrest J Ackerman. If you don’t know who that is, you absolutely need to tune in and listen. Without Forrest J Ackerman, we might not have cosplayers, graphic novels, movie memorabilia and horror collectibles, and possibly the fan convention industry itself. We bring in Uncle Forry’s caregiver and one of his best friends, Joe Moe to discuss the life of this truly fascinating individual. All this, and so much more.

We hid the body, but you’ll become an accomplice just by listening to……..the BIG SCARY SHOW. (And please stay hydrated)

Featured music:
Gathering of Darkness – Souls of Black
Audio Zombie – Mine Shaft
Bad Jack Productions – Sanctuary of the Damned Sam Haynes – Catacombs

#bigscaryshow #roundtableofterror